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2 Echo devises and accounts

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2 Echo devises and accounts
« on: December 12, 2018, 10:07:11 am »
I recently purchased 1 Echo Dot 2 for me and 1 Echo Dot 3 for my ex mother-in-law. I had to create a new Amazon account for her. I set up both using my Windows 10 laptop. I do not have a smartphone or tablet. I am using the browser Alexa App. The problem is that when I set up my ExMIL's device I used my account. Then realizing that she could access my settings (alarms, music, skills...), I set up her account. Now there are two accounts for one Echo Dot. The problem is that when I deregister my account from her device, I also delete it from mine. When I reregister mine, it is also reregistered on hers. I need help in changing the settings so that I cannot access her account and she cannot access mine.


Re: 2 Echo devises and accounts
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2018, 04:08:54 am »
Are the accounts set up as a family, could explain it? In the browser app go to settings > Amazon Household and see if they both appear there, if they do try leaving (you might want to try it logged on in turn from each account). Not promising this could be it but something I would check.