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Setting Up HA-Bridge on Windows

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Re: Setting Up HA-Bridge on Windows
« Reply #15 on: April 23, 2018, 02:08:15 pm »
have tried this when u save and go back it is still on web server 8081 so i cant change it to 80 ..also firewall is fine but did as you said just to try it even turned of firewall ..but alexa still can't find ha bridge 
Then your doing something wrong or port 80 is already in use.
If your still using a batch file to start the Bridge it is possible it is setting the port. open the batch file with note pad and see what calls it is making.
if you see 8081 in the text change that to what ever port you wish to use then save the file.
Besure the bridge is closed not running before using the batch file again (use taskmanager to besure it has stopped)
Post to the HA-Bridge Github issues the developer may have more things for you to try.
Also there are several threads about Alexa not seeing devices so read them the answer may be in one of them. ;)
ok thanks for all your help yes i think you are correct port 80 must be in use as i can start it by changing the batch file anything but 80 works ..not sure that will help with alexa have looked at loads of thing with that no luck there ,,so now i need to find out what is using port 80 ..but thanks for all your help have got all the hex commands now for on off rooms colors ect 


Re: Setting Up HA-Bridge on Windows
« Reply #16 on: April 23, 2018, 03:13:21 pm »
yes you were correct i got it working on port 80
Type net stop HTTP
If there are other running services that depend on the HTTP service, you'll get a list; double check to see if there's anything listed there you can't bear to do without. Or, if you're just stopping HTTP to use port 80 temporarily, make a note of those dependent services that you'll want to restart once you're done with the port. Either way, if it's okay, enter y to continue.
and you were correct it made no difference alexa could still not find ha bridge that me done i think will have to search some more ..but thank for all your help ..if anything have learned a few things 


Re: Setting Up HA-Bridge on Windows
« Reply #17 on: December 25, 2018, 07:20:11 am »

I don't understand how to install ha-bridge on windows 10.
When i open ha-bridge.jar with 7zip, i have some files but what have i to do now ?

Re: Setting Up HA-Bridge on Windows
« Reply #18 on: December 25, 2018, 07:53:04 am »

I don't understand how to install ha-bridge on windows 10.
When i open ha-bridge.jar with 7zip, i have some files but what have i to do now ?
the jar file is not zipped it is  a java executable do not unzip it .Java is re quire to be installed and you need to set your firewall to allow it to runs as a server so to see the interface you open your web browser to localhost.


Re: Setting Up HA-Bridge on Windows
« Reply #19 on: December 25, 2018, 09:57:51 am »
So i download the file ha-bridge.jar and what is the next step. How i install this .jar on my windows 10 system ?

Re: Setting Up HA-Bridge on Windows
« Reply #20 on: December 25, 2018, 11:04:44 am »
So i download the file ha-bridge.jar and what is the next step. How i install this .jar on my windows 10 system ?
Do you have Java installed? install the  Java SE Development Kit 8u192
Once installed create a folder called HA-Bridge and place the jar file it in that.
Clicking on the Jar file shopuld start it.
You will not be given any indication it is running unless you open task manager and look for a java program.
open your browser to or localhost and the HA-Bridge web interface should appear.