Seeking some help - I am currently running Echo Plus, Echo Dot x3 and x10 bulbs (4 Philips + 6 Sengled). Recently within last week after adding an additional 2 Sengled bulbs, I am running into getting the constant and daily message of Device is Unresponsive on the Alexa App. This renders the bulbs unresponsive by both voice command AND by APP touch command.
So I tried troubleshooting for resolution. I removed all unnecessary items from my 5ghz signal; placing the 3 DOTs on the house 2.4ghz signal. The attempt was to clear up any signal clutter within the 5ghz signal to allow for better flow of signal. Result: eh... it might be better, but it didn't resolve. still getting Device Unresponsive message.
So question: I have a Sengled HUB that I am not currently using. Would it be better to run the Sengled bulbs from the Echo Plus’ HUB? OR to go ahead and set up the Sengled HUB that am currently not using? OR a possible better add on question: would a good HUB help to better streamline the signals and possible resolve the Device Unresponsive error?
Does running these bulbs via the Echo Plus HUB mean that for each ONE bulb there is ONE wifi interaction back to the Hub? (in essence creating multiple opportunities for wifi interference?) VS running these bulbs via a HUB? ONE wifi interaction (regardless of how many bulbs are connected to the HUB?) When researching my Echo Plus purchase, I was told the amount of Bulbs connected to the Echo Plus was irrelevant as the Hub in the Echo Plus would only create ONE wifi interaction point.
Suggestions? Thoughts?
Thank you!