First post with a tough question that Amazon tech support could not answer. Here are the details.
My daughter has an Echo at college and has for about a year.
I got an Echo and Wand for Christmas located at the same location as my address on record with Amazon.
I installed the Alexa app and everything defaulted to her location.
I de-registered her Echo, deleted Alexa and reinstalled.
Everything showed up at her address in college.
I manually updated all the locations in the Alexa app.
I de-registered all devices on my Amazon account and re-registered.
I rebooted my iPhone 8.
I deleted all locations from my phone via system settings under location services.
I have uninstalled/reinstalled all Amazon apps on the phone.
When I ask Alexa for the weather it gives me weather for the correct town.
Here's the issue. When I open the Alexa app it shows my daughter's location for the weather. If I enable location services for Alexa it will show her location and then change to my current location (home address). If I then close the app, disable location services and open the app it takes me back to her weather. I've never been to that location and certainly haven't had location services turned on in that location.
Very, very strange. Neither Amazon support nor I can find any setting showing her address in Alexa, my devices on Amazon or the phone.