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Alexa is behaving like she has Dyslexia

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Alexa is behaving like she has Dyslexia
« on: January 14, 2019, 07:15:19 pm »
Lately and normally associated with unpublished background updates to Alexa by Amzon , Alexa has randomly started to mix up the order of my commands. Example I have three switches called Living Room Light one, Living Room Light two and Living Room Light three.
Normally for the last year, I could ask Alexa to turn On or Off any of the switches by stating its name. i.e
Alexa turn off Living Room Light one, Alexa turn off Living Room Light two.

Suddenly now I have to say Alexa turn off Living Room one Light or Alexa turn off Living Room two Light. The order of the words is wrong and it is not how it is proapp.ed in my app . I only have one living room with three switches not three living rooms with a switch each. So how can Alexa just change the order and still recognize the command? Dyslexia?

Re: Alexa is behaving like she has Dyslexia
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2019, 05:55:44 am »
personally I would leave the word light off all together.  it is a word that is part of some commands and can confuse alexa.  You will find all kinds of posts where others have similar and other oddball  problems when using the word light as part of the name.