Hola to All!
After running through 4 Alexa support techs, they finally convinced me I could not do this, so perhaps someone here has done something similar. Here's the setup:
4 Alexa units - Fire Cube TV, Echo Plus, Echo, Echo Dot
Smartthings V2 Hub with lights, motion sensors, etc.
In the Alexa app, I can "Discover" everything Smartthings sees, and control them with Alexa by voice w/o any problems. This includes Hue lights (via bridge), Z-wave lights, and of course Zigbee devices.
I then tried to setup a "Routine" in the Alexa app to speak a custom voice message with a specific motion sensor was triggered. The sensor is showing in Alexa, and the routine "plays" just fine, but Alexa simply does not get the motion trigger from the sensor through Smartthings.
Alexa support says it cannot be done unless the motion sensor is specifically "Alexa compatible". Well, none of those Z-wave lights and other devices are "Alexa compatible" directly, and they all turn on/off properly anyway using Alexa.
So, looking for a solution/workaround. I looked through IFTTT but cannot find anything that can monitor a Smartthings motion sensor and then have Alexa deliver a custom voice notification message. The routine in Alexa is perfect in what days to work and what time of day even, but it simply cannot see the motion signal.
Any one gone through this before? Certainly open to tips thoughts on other ways to do this!