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Using smart device to notify me when power is applied

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Using smart device to notify me when power is applied
« on: May 22, 2019, 06:40:56 pm »
I have a light that is tied to a holding tank float.  When the holding tank if full the float sends power to an external flood light.  This is a lakeshouse that I rent out and I am not there but I need to know when the holding tank is full so I can get someone there to pump out the tank.    I would like to hook up some sort of wifi device that will notify my when Power to the flood light comes on.   

Any ideas, so far all we can think of is pointing a wifi camera at it and checking in daily to see if the light is on or off.   I would prefer not to have to check in and just receive some sort of either email notification or Alexa notification.


Offline jwlv

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Re: Using smart device to notify me when power is applied
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2019, 10:22:57 pm »
I'm not sure if there's any ready-made device that can do this more easily and elegantly.

But this is how I would do it. It's probably not the best way to do this.

I'd get a Raspberry Pi board that's powered by a 5v power supply. The power supply would be connected to the power of the flood light, assuming it's just a regular AC plug. If it's a standard light bulb socket, I'd get one of these that adds an extra AC outlet to a light bulb socket.

When the flood light turns on, the Pi also turns on. Then on the Pi, I'd write a simple script to send an email or some other notification process to wherever you want to be notified. The script will only run once when the Pi first starts up (when it gets power). When the flood light is off, the Pi is off. If the flood light turns on again, the Pi will run the script again. I suppose if you have an extra computer, you can do the same thing but it would just take up a lot more space.


Re: Using smart device to notify me when power is applied
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2019, 03:15:04 pm »
That is a great suggestion and something I will look into.  I do own a PI board but do not know anything about writing scripts with the PI board.   Can you think of a way to use a Wifi light socket and the corresponding App.   I own a Honeywell thermostat that sends me an email when it loses connection or when it connection is restored.  I wasn't sure if an app that works with the light socket has the same ability.

Re: Using smart device to notify me when power is applied
« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2019, 07:33:45 am »
Since you already have a pi board why not setup one of the many HomeAutomation programs on it. Many will monitor smart switch, light, sensor status. And most if not all have simple email notifications that can be tied to send when a light comes on or goes off. I use HomeGenie and get emails when a door or window sensor is tripped this also turns my cameras to that position and takes a snapshot which is included in the email. I can also control things running with HomeGenie via Alexa.

Re: Using smart device to notify me when power is applied
« Reply #4 on: May 31, 2019, 03:25:38 am »
Since you already have a pi board why not setup one of the many HomeAutomation programs on it. Many will monitor smart switch, light, sensor status. And most if not all have simple email notifications that can be tied to send when a light comes on or goes off. I use HomeGenie and get emails when a door or window sensor is tripped this also turns my cameras to that position and takes a snapshot which is included in the email. I can also control things running with HomeGenie via Alexa.

Norton blocked the download.

Re: Using smart device to notify me when power is applied
« Reply #5 on: May 31, 2019, 04:56:41 am »
not sure what a holding tank is but what about a leak detector that works with alarm systems.  might be a way to rig one up so when the tank gets to a certain level, it will send you notification. 

Re: Using smart device to notify me when power is applied
« Reply #6 on: May 31, 2019, 09:32:10 am »

Norton blocked the download.
not sure what link you tried but norton is notorious for blocking downloads especially exe files  but most antivirus software blocks exe files.. if your wishing homegenie download from the  site. And follow the download and install directions for the OS you plan to use. If your going to ins6all on a RPi don't use the exe file