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In the news today - Want a job at McDonalds? Ask Alexa.

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Offline jwlv

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In the news today - Want a job at McDonalds? Ask Alexa.
« on: September 25, 2019, 11:56:45 am »
Starting Wednesday, McDonald's Corp. will let job seekers start an application by using voice commands with Amazon's Alexa or Google's Assistant.

If users say, "Alexa, help me get a job at McDonald's," Alexa will ask which country they want to work in and play McDonald's catchy "I'm lovin' it" jingle. After that, users can share their phone number and get a link to continue the application process.

Read the full article:


Re: In the news today - Want a job at McDonalds? Ask Alexa.
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2019, 12:14:54 pm »
Starting Wednesday, McDonald's Corp. will let job seekers start an application by using voice commands with Amazon's Alexa or Google's Assistant.

If users say, "Alexa, help me get a job at McDonald's," Alexa will ask which country they want to work in and play McDonald's catchy "I'm lovin' it" jingle. After that, users can share their phone number and get a link to continue the application process.

Read the full article:

What's next? lol

Offline jwlv

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Re: In the news today - Want a job at McDonalds? Ask Alexa.
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2019, 12:36:23 pm »
What's next? I'd expect an Alexa robot to take my order, make my Big Mac and fries, and deliver it to my house via drone :)


Re: In the news today - Want a job at McDonalds? Ask Alexa.
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2019, 04:45:15 pm »
What's next? I'd expect an Alexa robot to take my order, make my Big Mac and fries, and deliver it to my house via drone :)

You have a great sense of humour. But what you say is likely going to happen soon. lol