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Multilingual mode : when and where ?

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Multilingual mode : when and where ?
« on: September 29, 2019, 03:37:43 pm »
"Amazon is launching multilingual mode for its Alexa-supporting devices"

Do you guys know if that feature is already available ?
If so, where to find it in the settings ?
(I have a US Amazon accounts for my Echos)

Offline jwlv

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Re: Multilingual mode : when and where ?
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2019, 05:18:58 pm »
It is not yet available anywhere. I assume Amazon will make a big announcement when it is.
But just a few weeks ago, Amazon gave developers information on how to add languages to their skills. So it should be coming soon. How soon? Well, like anything else Amazon does, you won't find out until the day it happens.


Re: Multilingual mode : when and where ?
« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2019, 04:32:57 pm »
I'm suppose you're right  ;)
I'm eager they add this feature that has been available for a while on Google Home.
I would like to have both English and French but I hope the 2 languages are not imposed with the language of your Amazon account because the article says English + Spanish for US accounts and English + French for Canadian accounts which doesn't sound too flexible ???

Offline jwlv

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Re: Multilingual mode : when and where ?
« Reply #3 on: November 12, 2019, 10:14:18 am »
Just found out from an Amazon rep that:
"Spanish is not supported on:

Echo (1st Generation)
Echo Dot (1st Generation)
Echo Show (1st Generation)
Echo Look
Echo Auto
Echo Loop
Echo Frames
Echo Buds
Amazon Tap
AmazonBasics Microwave
Amazon Smart Oven"

I assume that French is the same for multilingual mode. Seems rather silly that these devices are not supported since all processing is done in the Amazon cloud and not the device themselves.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2019, 10:16:37 am by jwlv »


Re: Multilingual mode : when and where ?
« Reply #4 on: November 22, 2019, 08:15:55 am »
I have the Echo 1st generation (among newer models) imported from the UK a couple years ago.
I was not able to switch its language to French when Amazon released the Echos in France later on which is a shame.
Like yourself I thought the language was purely a software thing and maybe it is but they want you to buy the new model !
Who knows...

I'm afraid there would be such a limitation with the upcoming multi-language feature after reading you  :(