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Echo & Alexa Forums

new to dot

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new to dot
« on: November 17, 2016, 06:21:14 am »
hi i'm new to the echo dot and i'm trying to get used to using it, i have gone to the app and i have activated as many skills as i can to try to make it easy to interact with and answer to the things i ask however i have noticed all the skills only activate with a chosen phrase etc? i'm not the most tech minded person and maybe i'm missing something but how on earth are you supposed to remember all the chosen phrase's ??? all the usual things are good as in   connected to spotify so it plays music on request radio on request news on request time alarms jokes basic info on maths etc     is there something im missing to make it for example give me more info without remembering all the phrases to the skills   help appreciated     


Re: new to dot
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2016, 07:27:29 am »
Just yell at it, it won't break! Eventually, you'll remember the ones you most want to use and that get you the result you want, but don't be afraid to experiment, it can only say 'Hm, I don't think I can find the answer to your question' :)

There's actually another thread about the difficulty of remembering all the different skills so you can ask the Echo to open the one you need, and it's a big issue. Hopefully, Amazon will get that sorted eventually so that, when you ask for train times, it knows which default skill to open and interrogate. Meanwhile, just get used to throwing questions at it and seeing what comes up.