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BuzzOff Introduction

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BuzzOff Introduction
« on: August 04, 2020, 06:26:21 pm »

I'm Darren Humphrey, the Co-Founder of Electric Chateau. I am posting to you to let you know about our new Echo accessory called “BuzzOff". BuzzOff lets you take back your privacy by temporarily cutting power to your connected Echo, and restoring it later. If you have lots of Echo devices like me, you can turn them all off with one voice command or by using our IOS/Android app. There’s a quick video demo here:

One of our users is a lawyer, and he turns off his Echoes during confidential phone calls. Another one has a 5 year old daughter who loves the show "Alexa and Kate"--you can figure out why he uses BuzzOff.

I developed this product because I didn't want my Echo listening to me 100% of the time. A lot of people say "If you don't want Alexa listening, throw it out!" But they don't get it. We love our Alexas, we don't want to get rid of them, we just need to take a break sometimes.

We are launching BuzzOff nationwide on Kickstarter on Sep 1st and we would love your support.  We also have a few early access units available for reviewers. So if you're a journalist or a tech blogger, I'd love to hear from you.

Got questions? Ask me. I am happy to answer. We're a real startup based in Orlando,FL. We 're 3 guys committed to making our tech be respectful of our privacy. Check out our website at
Thanks for reading,
Darren Humphrey

Re: BuzzOff Introduction
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2020, 12:57:55 pm »
why should we consider buying from someone who cannot follow simple forum rules?   there is a section for spammers where you should have posted this.