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Instant Pot

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Instant Pot
« on: August 25, 2020, 09:22:17 am »
Just broke down and got a "Works with Alexa" Instant Pot.  Should get it tomorrow morning.   I waited  weeks for it to drop from 149 to 99.   the only thing I am worry about is getting the commands mixed up with the alexa microwave.   could make thing interesting.

I thought about getting the Hamilton Beach coffee pot for 90 but decided there really was no difference between it and my 17 dollar mr coffee with an eight dollar smart plug. 

Re: Instant Pot
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2020, 12:30:18 pm »
gotta laugh and cry sometimes at the same time.   I have been considering getting the instant pot for a while.  was watching for a good sale.  Watched the price go from 150 to 130 to 99.  Got it at 99.   Less than a week later it dropped even lower to 80.   Oh well  :-(

Just an update.   Not to sure if I will continue using the Alexa feature on the instant pot.   It is causing the Alexa microwave fits.   Before all I had to say was cook for 20 minutes at 350.    Now got to add the name and say  cook for 20 minutes at 350 on first oven.  Half the time it does not recognize the name.   Going to try different names to see if it gets better. 

Over all, I really like the instant pot.   still getting used to it.  whether or not I keep Alexa, I really like the remote control features.   there are a lot of recipies where I just add the ingredients then press start on the phone app.  makes it a whole lot easier than just pressing a bunch of buttons I can barely see. 

Offline jwlv

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Re: Instant Pot
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2020, 11:11:35 pm »
I use a site called Camel Camel Camel to track prices on Amazon. I can't predict price drops or price increases, but the site will tell me what the lowest price has ever been and the highest price. And if I buy something that is at least in the lower end of the price range, I am happy.

For example, here's the price history for the Instant Pot with Alexa
In the last 6 months, the lowest price has been $100, except for one day when it dropped to $80. Besides that sudden drop, the lowest price has been $100. I'd say you still got a good deal.

Re: Instant Pot
« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2020, 06:00:53 am »
thanks for that chart, it was interesting.   I think I will bookmark that site.   I did get a good deal but if I waited a few days, it would have even been better.