as far as I know, the Alexa devices only Transmit. They do not receive audio through the Bluetooth... This allows a person to transmit the audio signal to a better sounding speaker from the smaller units, either by Bluetooth or by cable connection. It's not in stereo either, which makes it less than wonderful sounding froma single speaker... I'm not 100% sure on the stereo part of transmission as things have changed over the years with alexa... I know the Dots didn't used to play in stereo... but nowadays they may. They certainly sound better than the original speakers did too.. I have 2 Homepods for my Stereo sound through WIFI... pretty pleased witht them. They're not too loud, but they are super clear audio quality. And today Apple just introduced a new Homepod mini that oddly enough, is shaped like a ball... Hmmm... where have we seen that? The new one is only 99 dollars too. (It works with the Apple TV, but not sure it would do for anything else)