It is possible to create a skill that can play an MP3 file using SSML.
The MP3 file must be hosted on a trusted SSL location, 48Khz, and cannot be longer than 90 seconds.
Conceivably you could chop up a long audio file into multiple 90-second MP3 files (i.e. news01.mp3, news02.mp3, news03.mp3...)
On the server end of things, you will need to download the source MP3 of your Belgian news (I assume you should do this once each day), then do some processing to chop it into multiple 90-second files.
Your skill would play the first file, ask if you want to continue, then play the 2nd file, and so on.
The reason why the skill must ask if you want to continue is because the audio limit is 90 seconds in a single response. If you were to program your skill to play multiple 90 second clips one after another, it will stop after the first 90 seconds. In other words, each additional 90 second clip must be a separate response.
See this page for info on how to use SSML.