Changes happen all the time on how Alexa/echos work. This is due to updates and "improvements" they roll out without any warning usually, causing simple things to become complex. Keep in mind as you continue to use the Voice controlled assistance, that you are part of a large base of bete testers that work for "free" for Amazon, and that alone allows them to be able to sell the assistants at affordable prices for your testing the product out for them... If they had done all the work up front, we wouldn;t have these assistants yet, and they would be very very very expensive when made avaialble for public consumption. AS we work with the little devices, we teach Amazon how we work. Not everyone works the same so they have to come to many compromises, and I suspect sometimes those compromises fall in favor of a programmer's wife or an executive's kids or something. It works how they make it work, causing us, the beta testers to make changes in the way we talk to their toys.
It's kind of up to you as the user, to figuire out how to make it do what *YOU* want it to do, maybe getting help from other users (such as this forum) to help shorten the path to getting the resulots you like. If you ask "WHY?" much, then you will be very frustrated often. If you ask "What do I say to get____" then expect more than one approach and try a couple of them out to see if they work for you. I have also noticed that even if I tell my mother-in-law, the exact phrase to use, she will alter it a tiny bit most times, because she thinks she's smarter than everyone else, and often gets a response she did not desire. Details are details. Some are more trubling than others. Give it your best shot, and get back with us with what you got in response, and we'll move on from there to try and help you. Also try and maybe be open minded enough to use the information I have taken the time to share above to make changes in how you talk to the devices, and hopefully we can get you the results you want (at least for a few weeks... before they do another update and mess things up again...