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Echo & Alexa Forums

Commanding Echos 2.0 is out!

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Commanding Echos 2.0 is out!
« on: June 04, 2016, 12:00:40 am »
**Quarterly Updates will occur to update the Command List, the Skills List, and to smash any bugs that might pop up!**

Version 2.0 features a tab bar foundation for quick access to all the features within Commanding Echos. In addition a notification widget has been added to give people quick access to the Quick Tap Commands featured on the Play Command Center. The App is now able to be viewed in portrait and landscape mode, along with home screen quick actions for access to different sections of the app instantly. Commanding Echos now features over 500 commands that can be used to interact with the smart speaker.  The Resources tab gives users the ability to connect with a larger Echo community by providing links to forums, websites, and products designed to enhance the smart home experience. Lastly, a skills list of nearly a thousand 3rd party skills has been added to expand the usefulness of your Echo. These enhancements to Commanding Echos will assist you in getting the most out of your Echo, it is the ultimate Smart Speaker Assistant.

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Re: Commanding Echos 2.0 is out!
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2016, 12:02:39 am »

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Re: Commanding Echos 2.0 is out!
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2016, 12:03:03 am »

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