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Select device using Alexa - easy, right? Not really.

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Select device using Alexa - easy, right? Not really.
« on: March 17, 2022, 05:49:48 pm »
how to select Echo Show 10 on Alexa App, just downloaded on my iPhone?

Do I have to be within bluetooth range to do this or can I be a different city.  If I have to be in the room, then we are done, thanks for reading this, we can each connect via bluetooth during our next visit to mom.  If we don't have to be in the room to select the device on our Alexa App, here is the rest of the back ground data.

1 Mom and 4 kids.  Will only use this for Drop In calls, nothing else. None of us have any Echo devices except mom who just received the Echo Show 10.  All 4 kids have Amazon Prime and live in different states than Mom. Today, neighbor set up Echo and downloaded Alexa App on her iPhone. 1st Kid, Sally - ordered the Echo and it came to Mom pre-loaded with her info.  Mom does not have Amazon acct. so we are using Sally's. Neighbor selected the correct wifi and changed cell phone number removing Sally's number and putting in mom's number.  Neighbor did not click the button to the right of the contact names she is authorizing to drop in. We can easily fix that later. 1st Kid Sally, did a drop in and it worked except no video. We can trouble shoot that later.  HOW DO KIDS 2, 3 and 4, in different states, select the device, Mom's Echo Show 10, on their Alexa Apps they downloaded to their phones today?  There are obviously no devices to pick from except their phone in the device listing.  There seems to be no fields to type in a serial # or some code and communication pathway to the device.  I tried going in to Sally's Amazon account where I saw the Echo device listed but there was no way to link that up with my Alexa account.  Someone said, go into my Alexa and then go into Sally's Amazon account through my Alexa...I got in again but no options I could see for linking or selecting the device to my Alexa App through Sally's Amazon Acct. that has the device linked to it.  Can anyone help?  thanks!!!

Offline jwlv

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Re: Select device using Alexa - easy, right? Not really.
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2022, 08:09:13 am »
Each Amazon account controls their own Echo devices. And no one can control any Echo devices that are not setup in their own Amazon account. Since Sally's account was used to set up mom's Echo Show 10, only Sally can see and change settings for that Echo Show 10.

This site explains how to add other people and enable Drop In Calls.

Offline jwlv

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Re: Select device using Alexa - easy, right? Not really.
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2022, 08:13:28 am »
BTW it is probably not a good idea to use Sally's Amazon account for your mom's Echo Show 10. Once you enable Drop In Calls and import the contact list, it'll be Sally's contact list. Calls to mom could end up at Sally's Echo devices and vice versa. And mom could call the people in Sally's contact list and those people would be expecting Sally.