I need help troubleshooting the most recent device I've added.
I've got 4 devices exposed via a hook hub (
http://hook.io). I've been successfully using the first 3 with my Amazon Echo. Great job integrating the hook device with the echo, I'm very happy with my lights and pond.
I just added a 4th device, and while it is working splendidly in the native Hook app, it refuses to work with my Echo integration. Strangely, it shows discovered in the Alexa app *and* Alexa tells me "ok" when I give commands for this 4th device, but it just doesn't work! I have deleted the device and re-added it just in case, but that doesn't help.
Here's a clue (maybe), all 3 that work are the ON-OFF type and respond to the ON-OFF commands (2 lights and a pond pump). The 4th I've added is a motor-driven dog door and so ON-OFF isn't appropriate, rather the commands are named OPEN and CLOSE in the native hook app. When I say "Alexa, close the dog door", she says "ok" and nothing happens.
Looking for any advice.