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Smart home challenged with only 1 of my 4 devices

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Smart home challenged with only 1 of my 4 devices
« on: June 13, 2016, 01:05:03 am »
I need help troubleshooting the most recent device I've added.

I've got 4 devices exposed via a hook hub (  I've been successfully using the first 3 with my Amazon Echo.  Great job integrating the hook device with the echo, I'm very happy with my lights and pond.
I just added a 4th device, and while it is working splendidly in the native Hook app, it refuses to work with my Echo integration.  Strangely, it shows discovered in the Alexa app *and* Alexa tells me "ok" when I give commands for this 4th device, but it just doesn't work!  I have deleted the device and re-added it just in case, but that doesn't help.

Here's a clue (maybe), all 3 that work are the ON-OFF type and respond to the ON-OFF commands (2 lights and a pond pump).  The 4th I've added is a motor-driven dog door and so ON-OFF isn't appropriate, rather the commands are named OPEN and CLOSE in the native hook app.  When I say "Alexa, close the dog door", she says "ok" and nothing happens.

Looking for any advice. 

Offline jwlv

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Re: Smart home challenged with only 1 of my 4 devices
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2016, 01:44:10 am »
I don't think Alexa knows what to do with "open" and "close" commands.
As far as I know, Alexa only knows "on" and "off" when it comes to home automation devices (with the exception thermostats).


Re: Smart home challenged with only 1 of my 4 devices
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2016, 02:18:57 pm »
Yes, "Turn <device-name> on/off", "Set <device-name> to <n> percent" and "Set <thermostat-name> to <n> degrees" are the only forms of home automation command that Alexa understand currently.

Re: Smart home challenged with only 1 of my 4 devices
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2016, 03:21:21 pm »
one way you can do it if you want something that sounds a bit more appropriate.    rename your dog door to open dog door.  Then create a group in alexa called "close dog door" and select "open dog door".  Then you can say "alexa, turn on and open dog door"  and  "alexa, turn off and close dog door"


Re: Smart home challenged with only 1 of my 4 devices
« Reply #4 on: June 13, 2016, 09:27:41 pm »
I don't think Alexa knows what to do with "open" and "close" commands.
As far as I know, Alexa only knows "on" and "off" when it comes to home automation devices (with the exception thermostats).

Alexa does appear to have limited understanding of certain "open" and "close" commands. She responds correctly to "open garage door" and "close garage door" in my home (I'm using ha-bridge to send a RESTful command to a custom garage door controller).

However, when I tried "Alexa, open power usage report" to generate a spoken report over our whole-home intercom, she doesn't recognize it, while "Alexa, turn on power usage report" DOES work although it's a rather awkward request.