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Turn off all lights "Alexa Lights Out" (Phillips Hue)

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Turn off all lights "Alexa Lights Out" (Phillips Hue)
« on: September 16, 2016, 09:01:03 pm »
Is there a way I can program Alexa to turn off all (Phillips Hue) lights in the house. By just saying "Alexa Lights Out" or something simple like that. Without specifying which group (eg. Livingroom, Bedroom, etc.)


Re: Turn off all lights "Alexa Lights Out" (Phillips Hue)
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2016, 11:44:42 pm »
No.  Alexa's smart home commands address either individual devices (or at least what it thinks are individual devices) or groups of devices that you define in the app.  So, just define a group with a simple name ("All Lights", or something similar) and include all of your individual lights in it.

"Alexa, turn off All Lights."

...or just...

"Alexa, all lights off."

Piece of cake.  I suppose you could even name the group simply "Lights", though that's likely to cause some confusion...if not right away then some time down the road.

Piece of cake.

Re: Turn off all lights "Alexa Lights Out" (Phillips Hue)
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2016, 03:48:57 am »
Is there a way I can program Alexa to turn off all (Phillips Hue) lights in the house. By just saying "Alexa Lights Out" or something simple like that. Without specifying which group (eg. Livingroom, Bedroom, etc.)

you are just going to have to set up a group for all your hue lights and name it everything.  then just tell alexa turn everything off. 


Re: Turn off all lights "Alexa Lights Out" (Phillips Hue)
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2016, 04:07:54 pm »
That what I do. You first use the Hue app to setup rooms, scenes, intensity, etc. Then do discover with Alexa App next create a Group( XXXXX house lights) and add all the lights then save. Easy peasy