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Sluggish Alexa app

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Sluggish Alexa app
« on: October 30, 2016, 02:55:15 pm »
Me again! I'm noticing significant slowing of the app such that typing in the network password for the new Dot was a laborious business and deleting 'cards' froze it up. It also seems to go offline quite often, interrupting any unit that's playing. This began before adding the new Dot and also re-labelling the SSID of my Devolo network adaptors, and nothing else seems to be struggling with wifi connection.


Re: Sluggish Alexa app
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2016, 06:09:37 am »
I also notice it, it is very poor considering it is a just web interface ( /.de/.com).

What I have done on both my phone and iPad is delete the app and reinstall in. Then when you reinstall it is super slick, if only for a couple of weeks.

It takes a few seconds and you don't lose anything as it is all stored in your Amazon account, not the device :)


Re: Sluggish Alexa app
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2016, 07:31:13 am »
Thanks, I'll give that a go. For some reason, the iPad app hasn't been affected (yet) but the phone one - gah!


Re: Sluggish Alexa app
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2016, 07:41:55 pm »
Uninstalled and reinstalled the app - it was fine for a short time but now it's back to slow/slower/freeze. Quite often it says it's offline even though there's a wifi signal, but my wifi is a bit dodgy (new router on the shopping list) and drops its signal fairly frequently. Turns out it's a single channel job so not a lot of use in a house with multiple wifi enabled devices. App may be an innocent victim!