I don't have several echos so I can't try on mine but when you create a group, can you really choose the echo device there?
My work around is name them differently. Like I name my bedroom lights, room. And I name my living room light, light. LOL. It is very easy to rename the groups.
You can have same name in groups but make sure you have a unique group name. That's what alexa is really looking for the group name, in my experience.
If I were you I would name 1 - ceiling and the other, light.
Alexa is looking for the group name first and foremost. So name your group as short and convenient as you want.
Like my living room group has only 1 light. But I put it in a group so I can name it simply. I am not gonna say hue light 3 or lamp 3, or living room light, nope. I will say alexa, light, on. BAM!
My echo is kinda deaf though, I tend to scream at it or yell several times before she obeys my commands. Much easier to manually switch lights but where's the fun in that? LOL.