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Echo + Echo Dot + Fire TV Stick = Link problem

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Echo + Echo Dot + Fire TV Stick = Link problem
« on: January 21, 2018, 04:23:27 pm »
im really sorry for my english - still learning this language.

At home i have echo dot, echo - New one ( second gen) and from today fire stick. Both Alexa working with zero problems, they are connected with IKEA smart lights, seeing each other and full working. But about fire stick i can't link fire stick to my account with alexa app- when im asking: ALEXA, FIND HORROR MOVIE AT FIRE TV- it should find something and show results, but... instead that i hear PLEASE LINK YOUR VIDEO SUPPLIER.

 It should be in Alexa App - music,video & books tab but... i dont have something like this in alexa app (its directly from amazon website). I checked on my and my father phone (both s8+ android 8 and 7).
I don't know what happened ? I found some information about how to link fire stick to alexa - and it should done auto but... notning. Alexa app can see fire stick, can i change some option (like name) and thats it.

Only with Echo/Echo i can read status: ONLINE, - but firestick its working on TV

How can i link my echo to fire stick? any ideas?  Thank You so much
« Last Edit: January 21, 2018, 05:08:36 pm by Komandosik »