I am having trouble with ANY bluetooth speaker staying connected to ANY Echo Dot.
Tried 2 different Dots and 2 different Speakers, all do the same thing.
First if I just tell Alexa to pair it says cannot find anything and then says there is a problem pairing.
I then go into the Alexa app and can pair that way. Says it is paired and does have sound coming from BT speaker. Seems all is well until I say Alexa and then disconnects. I tell alexa to connect to the speaker, as previously told during initial connection, however it is not and Alexa says she is already connected to that particular speaker....
I have tried both Bose Soundlink Mini II and Big Jambox several times. I have cleared the device list etc on both speakers and restarted process on the Alexa app with the same thing happening..
Anyone else having this problem? I have tried changing the channel on my Wifi same deal...I read somewhere to change from 2.4ghz to 5 but my router does not have that ability (Stock from Windstream)