I've had mine about 10 days or so, and really find it a nice investment.
The grocery list, music, and light control is probably the most beneficial features for us.
We also added the Ecobee Thermostat and the Nest Smoke Alarm.
I am a musician and have a much needed calendar of events, and the Quick Change skills feature is used a lot.
We've also used it in place of Google when certain questions and trivia come up in conversations and so forth.
The music feature from the Amazon Prime is amazing, as far as how quick it plays on demand. I was hoping to be able to BT the Alexa to my Bose Minilink, but realize it can't be done. However, I just ordered the Dot, which is the very device that will do that for me.
Probably going to wait on the reviews from the Tap before I decide whether or not to purchase.
What would really be awesome, is if they could figure a way to allow the Tap to be able to operate off of the 4G network, like our cell phones. Possibly pairing them to our cell phone provider network, using the data allowance from that!
Time will tell!!