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Routine leaving and arriving

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Routine leaving and arriving
« on: January 03, 2019, 12:51:12 pm »
I am having problems with creating a routine using location as the trigger I certainly have a routine set for arriving and leaving setup on 2 different phones and when the phone gets into range it runs both of the arrive or leave routines I am using iPhone X and 8plus phones anyone else out there having the same problems and if so how did u fix it Thank You

Re: Routine leaving and arriving
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2019, 04:55:55 pm »
you did not really give any information to help with.  basically you said you have two different routines but to do what?   generally if you are using location to run location through alexa, then they all will run since they run from a cloud service, not from specific phones.  the best I can give right now is to check the devices specific app and see if you can specify which phone to use for location. 

Re: Routine leaving and arriving
« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2019, 07:18:20 pm »
I have Geofencing set up to turn on a specific light or two as I get home IF after sun goes down... This is set using local time and Sunset info through some service in HUE... I did nothing special to make it work. I only use it on my phone. My wife never gets home before I do as I work 6 miles from home, she works almost 20 miles from home... Dallas Traffic keeps her on the road long enough I get home before her.

From what I read when set up, you can allow any phone you want, to access your account and be set up to do the same as the original one. The first one home will control the lighting, the second only turns them on if the first phone came home before the trigger time.
2 Echo Dots 2nd gen
2 echo dots gen 3 (no clock) -2 Echo Dot 3rd gen with Clock
1 echo dot Gen 4 with clock
1 Echo Spot
4 10" Fire Tablets
1 15' Echo show
23 Hue Lights 1 Hue bridge - 1 Amazon Smart plug outlet
One Ring Doorbell Pro
4 cell phones with Alexa app installed!
You should see My Apple Device List!


Re: Routine leaving and arriving
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2019, 06:32:37 pm »
Having pretty much the opposite problem, my Samsung 6 phone rails to trigger any routine. I had such grand plans...