Ok, this is interesting. I'm using a Universal Devices ISY box (ISY994i) which enables control over Smarthome devices. Control of device and scene switches and plugs, scheduling of devices and scenes, etc. Universal Devices created an Alexa skill that allows you to add voice control and have Alexa respond appropriately and tell the ISY device to issue the appropriate commands.
It's been acting intermittently for quite a while now. I've consulted with UD support and it looks like a DNS name resolution issue. The big question is between which devices? The UD interface on my PC never has any problems communicating with the ISY. The Skill is the one that keeps cutting in and out. One moment it starts working and may work for days before then cutting out - then it will be unresponsive for an hour or several days, then come back. Error message (vocal) from the nearest Alexa device is: ""Sorry the hub that device XXX is connected to is not responding, please connect the power supply." When I go into the PC interface, I see the portal on the ISY is showing as registered but offline. But the PC can interact.
The Skill does not require any of our PCs to be on - so the communication has to be between the Alexa skill and somewhere in the cloud and back to my ISY unit. Looking at the ISY log something is trying to communicate with my.isy.io - pinging shows that this resolves so someplace running in AWS:
C:\Users\dbutc>ping my.isy.io
Pinging portal-nlb-762d8181e4d497aa.elb.us-east-1.amazonaws.com [] with 32 bytes of data:
The requests time out, as I expected - not responding to pings is a good security measure. But other requests complete.
Any thoughts and other things to try? Anybody also a Universal Devices customer?